Traces of the Via Domitia

The Via Domitia is a roman road built approximately 118 b.c. which can still be visited today along most of its full length. Partly the via domitia is still used as a road today, while other sections may be discovered in the open landscape. I have travelled the full length of the old road in 2005 and collected gps-coordinates and photographs along the way.

The Via Domitia goes all the way from the Rhone river of France near Beaucaire to the Pyrenees, thereby passing through the french region of Languedoc. At both ends as well as in between the road was linked of course to the network of roman roads. The via domitia, however, was indispensable for the development of this coastal region of France and still is today.

(c) Hans-Georg Pagendarm  

I have travelled the full length of the roman road where possible with my motorcycle in 2005. These visits comprise many roads and rural pathes where the roman road is still in use today as well as some offroad sections where the roman road was located with good maps and GPS. This placemark file is a collection of my GPS routes and tracks, which indicate those sections which I consider to be identified as parts of the 2000-years-old road. Even though I consulted plenty of literature I pass this information to you without warranty. Simply go there and see for yourself!

Since I have published this page it has drawn an enourmous interest. The english version of wikipedia is refering to this page (I definetely feel honoured, thank you folks!). Therefor I have chosen to update the page with my latest findings. Now, the page became too large to load quickly. Therefor, I have chosen to divide the page into several chapters each covering a section of the roman road. Please click on the sections listed below to load the pages.

If you have information which you would like me to include here or if you'd like to discuss the topic, feel free to contact me.

(c) Hans-Georg Pagendarm  

Section Beaucaire-Nimes (Ugernum Nemausus)

(c) Hans-Georg Pagendarm  

Section: Nimes-Castelnau

(c) Hans-Georg Pagendarm  

Section: Castelnau-Beziers

(c) Hans-Georg Pagendarm  

section: Beziers Narbonne

(c) Hans-Georg Pagendarm

Section: Narbonne-Perthus

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to be continued.....